When to Concede

Last week we left off with Joseph having been thrown into a cistern, then sold into slavery by his own brothers. His brightly colored robe that signified his favored status in the family was ruined. That was a very bad day. However while Joseph endured the hardship God was quietly at work. From prisoner to Pharaoh’s right hand, God had taken what was meant for evil and turned it into something good.
After Joseph’s promotion Egypt experienced a terrible drought, people in the surrounding territories were starving and were pressed by their hunger to go to Egypt to buy food, among them were Joseph’s brothers. Joseph (having been warned in a dream to store vast amounts of grain in the years prior to the drought) was now also in charge of Egypt’s vast agricultural resources. Joseph had a decision to make. He could make them pay through the nose for grain or with their lives for what they had done to to him, or grant them forgiveness. Joseph had been tested with poverty now he was tested with power. The Tug, Struggle, Strain and Pull, was no longer against his brothers but with himself.
I really hope you are able to join in this Sunday as we explore: When to Concede