Super nova Birthing Nebulae July 27th 2014
One amazing testament to the creative power of a supernova is the existence of neutron stars, which are commonly found at the location of a supernova remnant. Neutron stars are the most dense matter in existence just under black holes.

Neutron stars are so dense that one teaspoon (5 milliliters) of its material would have a mass over 900 times the mass of the Great Pyramid of Giza. This density is approximately equivalent to the mass of a Boeing 747 compressed to the size of a small grain of sand. Amazing creative power!

But, that is not the limit of its creative power. At the end of a star’s life-cycle, it begins to produce heavy elements like iron, gold, and silver. Following is the most powerful explosion we know of. The shockwave creates immense ripples and is seen from millions of lightyears away. Our Creator uses such an event for New Creation. The detonation distributes all of these elements into other stars and interstellar mass.

With these elements seeded into existing gasses, space dust, and elements, the result are brand new nebulae! These nebulae produce amazing color and shape and are easily among the most beautiful objects in Creation.

The supernova which occurred in 1987 created the Honeycomb Nebula. The supernova in 1054 created the Crab Nebula. These creations are no doubt an element of God’s intention! From these nebulae, future stars will be born.

This is the beauty of God’s grace: it goes beyond changing the course of our life, and is intent on creating hope, forgiveness, and right living in others! What wonderful grace, what amazing life we have in the Spirit.