Particles and light photons that swirl around the black hole reach what is called the ‘event horizon,’ the so-called “point-of-no-return.” The gravitational field behaves similarly to any other stellar body, like a planet, except in that the closer you get to the black hole, movement away is increasingly less likely as movement is restricted to directions toward or parallel to event horizon.

Last week’s sermon focused on the black hole of sin, from which we are saved by Christ’s salvation. This week will focus on avoiding the event horizon by an infilling of the Holy Spirit. The pull of sin-nature presents a super-gravitational pull on all of us, even after a course-altering collision and explosion of Jesus’ work in us. We can yield to that gravity and be and endless pull on God’s grace, or we can yield to the immense, dreadful power of the Holy Spirit and become a new constellation. Praise God that we can escape the ‘have-to’ pull of the nature of sin!

Point of No Return

Point of No Return